Doctor Who: The Big Review (Season 11)

Doctor Who: The Big Review Season 11 (1973 - 1974) And we're back with Pertwee's final season in the role! I'm excited for this one, I know we have some more insightful people to meet, like the lovely Sarah-Jane Smith. I get to meet the likes of the Sontarans too! There's a lot to look forward to, and with how much I enjoyed Season 10, I'm really excited to see where this one goes. As always, I will grade each story on an A+ to F scale, judging it fairly, and with respect to the era it aired. Judging an episode from the 1960's with the same expectation of a modern episode would not be fair, purely because the quality and tone is so different. Below is a summary of my grading criteria: For each serial, I will provide a list of the main cast (omitting a few who don't appear often), and a list of some key facts of the episodes, such as the writer and director. I will then offer a little synopsis and my overall verdict. Below is a table which offers some short...